My son is liquidating his Star Wars collection.  He dropped this off some time ago. I'm just getting around to selling it because I'm 75 years old and I still have fun trying to fly it.  It's very light weight, so I'm not sure it's an outdoor toy, but it is safe to fly indoors because it is so light that it can't harm anything.
     Batteries are contained in the controller. There is a permanent charging cord that stores in the handle of the controller and runs to a port on the Falcon when charging.  Lights work.  
     The video shows my poor skill level in controlling the thing, but I am in our basement studio and space is limited.
      The sound works, but the fan is kind of noisy and covers the sound up.  
    You will have a good time, and it will be fun to have in your collection.
Thanks for looking and considering a purchase.