For experienced practitioners of the paranormal ONLY

Introducing for your interest "Anne", a medium sized vintage cloth doll bound with the spirit of a demonic entity.

"Anne" came into our collection via a close associate who is involved in paranormal investigations. They told us that the vessel contains a highly negative spirit. The doll had been purchased from a charity shop by a young family in Edinburgh some time in 2022. After bringing "Anne" into their home they noticed strange things happening and an ominous feeling within the property.

At first it was just small objects moving into places other than where they were left, recently replaced light bulbs blowing out and a strange chill in the air. Eventually, one day the family returned home to find the "Anne" doll sitting in the middle of their kitchen floor, despite having been left in their daughters bedroom.

At this point they contacted our associate, who was known to them through a personal friend to come and investigate. Upon doing so they determined that the doll was the only recent change to the home and might be the cause of the issues. In order to test this theory the doll was removed from the home and the strange happenings immediately stopped. 

After it was proven the doll was causing the events in the family home it was brought to us. As soon as we received the doll we realised that it was not just a regular negative spirit but in fact a demonic entity. The dark aura around the doll was immediately felt when it entered our home, hanging thick in the air with negativity.

We have made efforts to communicate with the doll using paranormal investigators tools such as EVP, EMF meters and the ghost box, However, in a strange turn of events none of these seem to work. We are not sure why. We were successful in communicating with the doll using more esoteric methods and the most reliable for us have been the pendulum, tarot and ouija board. This is how we came to learn that she uses the name "Anne". We do not believe this is her true name.

"Anne" is not especially friendly or communicative most of the time. She is almost always very angry and this does come across in communication. We have asked her what she wants but she will not tell us. Mostly our sessions have involved her explaining how society will end very soon. We don't really believe this and think it is probably nothing more than typical demonic fear mongering.

She has also appeared in our dreams in the form of a very tall slim woman with white pale skin and long wet black hair which covers her face. She wears a ragged black dress. It took several months in our possession before she began to appear. Eventually she began to appear every couple of weeks. She never says anything in the dreams but simply makes herself present.

Other spirits do not like to be around "Anne". We recommend storing her away from them wherever possible and using protection. 

"Anne's" physical vessel is a vintage cloth doll. It has some wear in line with age.

Not for beginners! Under no circumstances would we recommend "Anne" to someone new to the world of the metaphysical. She is not appropriate for beginners at all. Her nature may seem friendly but demons cannot be trusted. A strong practitioner with a good deal of experience dealing with demons would be better served to experience this particular spirit.

What to do upon receipt of your vessel

Upon receiving the vessel approach them gently. Introduce yourself, sharing a bit about who you are and how they came into your possession. Let them know they're welcome in your home, but establish some ground rules and boundaries firmly, yet respectfully. Mutual respect is paramount.

Avoid any inclination to raise your voice, strike, or mishandle the vessel. Such actions are ill-advised for obvious reasons. Reassure them of your intentions and express gratitude for their presence. Resist the urge to rush into seeking signs or requesting favours, you'll see soon enough. Allow the spirit the initiative to make the first move. It may take some time for the spirit to adjust to their new environment, please be patient with them.

Acknowledge the adjustment to a new environment. It's understandably daunting. Exercise patience, extending courtesy and companionship. Engage with the spirit in a friendly manner, inquire about her well-being, and share bits of your daily life.

In essence, let your intuition guide you. Be compassionate, be considerate, and relish in the companionship of your spirit.

About us

We are enthusiasts of the unknown and believers in the unseen forces that exist behind the veil of modern life. We have been collecting paranormal and occult objects for many years and now our collection has reached such a level that we are not able to fully give each object the space or attention it deserves. You may find that an item for sale on our account speaks to you or draws your attention in a way that you cannot explain.

Our investigation methods range from the esoteric to the scientific and we do not discount methodology on the basis of opinion. We communicate with our spirits using techniques ranging from tarot to EVP recording (and everything in-between). Rest assured that the information provided in this listing is as comprehensive as we are able to provide at this time and as such we unfortunately cannot respond to messages requesting more information.

Due to the nature of our collection we do not accept refunds or returns. Please consider carefully before inviting a paranormal object into your home as they do have their own feelings and do not like to be discarded.

Important Disclaimer:

Dear enthusiasts of the mysterious, please be aware that all items are sold solely for entertainment purposes, in full compliance with eBay's required policies. As required by eBay we state that we are selling the physical item pictured in the photographs.

Our offerings are intended to bring joy and intrigue without any claims of supernatural powers. As required by eBay we must state that any experiences or occurrences are purely coincidental and are not to be attributed to the objects themselves. Embrace the enchantment, but always remember, it's all for fun. Happy collecting!