Nonfuel Mineral Resources and the Public Lands Volume III, Minerals and the Environment

Author: Leaming, George; Principal Investigator, Lacy, Willard C.; Associate Principal Investigator, Skelding, Frank H.; Project Officer for the Public Land Law Review Commission
Title: Nonfuel Mineral Resources and the Public Lands Volume III, Minerals and the Environment
Publication: Tucson, Arizona: University of Arizona, 1969
Edition: July, 1969

Description: black plastic comb, 11" x 8.5", 513-755 pages, illustrated, name written on cover. very good.

Has the marketing of nonfuel minerals changed since the 1860's? Do different mineral commodities now have varying market characteristics? Can these be expected to change by 1985? DN2.

Seller ID: 5567194

Subject: Earth Science, Mining

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