Found this again in one of the many drawers our parents kept stuffed to the top. They were big into Presidents and their First Ladies. My parents did some kind of government work outside their English lit professoring at variés colleges abroad and back here in the states. They have been photographed with a few and others in their cabinet. Do recall officials having to search my fathers office and library for documents. Remember two big boxes left with them. I was disappointed and asked if they would like to come back and take more. They weren’t very chummy.

This has been sitting in a drawer for who knows how long. Franklin is one of my top three presidents and sad to auction it off but my kids won’t want such a thing I’m too old to enjoy for any length of time.

Nice collectible. No COA, but I’m confident from viewing others plus it most likely was mothers doing and her integrity is not to be questioned.

This will ship inside a sturdy package that will endure our USPS.