container transportation is the lifeblood of the current Japan Rail freight service; following wwii and the economic miracle of recovery in japan, Japanese rail engineers introduced a succession of container car designs in an attempt to speed up the service....the koki50000 series was introduced in the mid 1970s and allowed container unit trains to achieve 95 kph service speeds.....3276 wagons were produced primarily by kisha seizo and kyosan kogyo; they lasted in service until 2018......

I acquired this koki50000 as part of a group freight wagon purchase from a large reseller in japan who frequently offers unevaluated, untested collections of excess material from brick and mortar stores.......upon arrival, this 8714 was a typical representative of that acquisition method including the half eliminated store price tag, whose complete expungement was accomplished with "goo gone".......the model is clearly unused - pristine jewel case and wheel sets....

the wagon features functioning led tail lights at the guard rail end........

the set have no accessories.....