Purvis Young origional Art. Know as the poet of Overtown, his art has been seen around the world, a documentary was produced about him.

The guy was so easy going he would talk to anyone. He said emotion and imagination is what inspiried him. He saw himself as a warrior bringing good and light to the world. 

He painted on whatever he could find and with whatever material he had. Alot of ink and marker work, and alot of household paints were used by him. He used discard books and magazines, peices of wood or metal as his canvas. An origional street folk artist. 

I purchased a buch of loose leaf works form him in the early 2000s. I asked him for titles to some of them. He said call them whatever you want. He said "I call them life." Title "In Living Color"

Its a scene from the neighborhood where he grew up. It double page, each page approx 9x11, framed 16x20 approx.