Title: Sotheby's Contemporary Asian Art  

Auction held in: Hong Kong

Sale Date:  4/6/09

Sale No: HK0296 

No. of Lots: 154

No. of Pages: 231

Condition:  Very Good




Sale Results Hong Kong
Sale HK0296 Contemporary Asian Art

06 APR 09
Grand Total (Including Buyer's Premium):
66,434,000 HKD (8,501,559 USD) Exchange Rate:0.13
Sold by Lot:
74.0% Lots Offered: 154
Sold by Value:

81.4% Lots Sold/Unsold: 114 / 40


Some Examples From The Catalog:

Price (HKD/ USD)

Estimate (HKD)


654 4,820,000 (616,815 USD) 4,000,000 - 5,500,000 Asian Private

Zhang Xiaogang, Untitled, oil on canvas, 2006


662 4,580,000 (586,103 USD) 3,500,000 - 5,500,000 Asian Private

Yue Minjun, Armed Forces, oil on canvas, 2005


677 3,620,000 (463,251 USD) 2,000,000 - 3,000,000 Asian Private

Zeng Fanzhi, Mask Series: Man with Flower, 1998, oil on canvas


742 3,620,000 (463,251 USD) 3,200,000 - 4,500,000 Asian Private

Cai Guo Qiang, Drawing for Ascending, Gunpowder and ink on paper, 2002


678 3,500,000 (447,895 USD) 3,500,000 - 4,500,000 Asian Private

Zeng Fanzhi, The Death of Marat, oil on canvas, 2001


709 3,380,000 (432,539 USD) 1,000,000 - 1,500,000 Asian Private

Huang Yongping, Sixty-Year Cycle Chariot, 1999-2000, copper, iron, wood, cloth *** Auction record for the artist ***

672 3,140,000 (401,826 USD) 2,500,000 - 3,500,000 Asian Private

Sui Jianguo, Legacy Mantle, casting iron, 2005

***Auction record for the artist ***


725 2,720,000 (348,078 USD) 1,500,000 - 2,000,000 Asian Private

Yayoi Kusama, Pumpkin, paint on fibre-reinfored plastic, 2007

***Auction record for a sculpture of the artist ***

660 2,420,000 (309,687 USD) 1,600,000 - 2,400,000 Asian Private

Geng Jianyi, The Second Condition, 1989 Oil on canvas


661 2,060,000 (263,618 USD) 550,000 - 700,000 Asian Private

Yue Minjun Archaeology 



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