Intelli IMT-301 Metronome & Tuner with Thermometer and Hygrometer

The Intelli IMT-301 is a digital Metronome, Tuner, Thermometer, and Hygrometer...ALL IN ONE

Put in your case, this device monitors the temperature and humidity helping you to protect your expensive instrument.  Take it out for tuning and timing.  This Metronome, Tuner and Thermo Hygrometer is made by Intelli, which stands for quality, and it has a price that's hard to beat!

The Metronome functions include accented and subdivided beats, LCD simulated pendulum motion, additional LED beat lights, two memory settings, and a tempo range of 40 to 216 beats per minute.

The Tuner functions include A-430 to A-449 calibration, LCD simulating a needle meter, an 8-octave range, and 88 chromatic tone generations within full calibration range.

The Thermometer has a temperature range of -14F to +140F.

The Hygrometer has a humidity range of 25% to 90%.

The batteries are also included!

The Intelli IMT-301 is one of our best selling all-in-one Metronome Tuner Combinations.

metronomes tuners tuner metronome


We have a full selection of metronomes, tuners, metronome-tuner combos, tuning forks, and pitch pipes from Boss, Korg, Intelli, PocketTone, Seiko, Sorinuri, and Wittner...to mention a few! If you don't see listed what you're looking for please contact us and we'll get back to you fast with answers!

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