The Man in the Iron Mask [New DVD] Black & White, Full Frame, Subtitled

Title: The Man in the Iron Mask

Format: DVD

Label: Henstooth Video

Genre: Action / Adventure

UPC: 759731413428

Release Date: 2012

James Whale's exciting adaptation of the Alexandre Dumas novel centers on twin heirs to Freance's throne who are separated at birth. The first-born Louis, is raised as a prince, but Phillippe is brought up ignorant of his true identity. When Phillippe is arrested with his companions, D'Artagnan and the three Musketeers, he meets his brother, now the king, face-to-face. The tryrannical Louis decides Phillippe could be useful to him as a look-a like, but complications arise when Phillippe meets the king's beautiful Fiancé. Whale's film is a swashbuckling adventure tale, full of palace intrigues and thrilling sword fights.

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