Hand knotted rug on "FACTORY- DIRECT PRICE"

Committed to offering its clients the perfect area rug for their space, Everest Collection offers a variety of classic & contemporary designs. Thousands of hours are involved in creating each Tibetan rug. Each of our rugs is made of 100% wool from the Himalayan highlands. Original Silk added on Tibetan rugs brings a brilliant combination with wool, which make each of our rugs more exclusive & elegant. The Himalayan wool produces some of the best carpets in the world because of its resilience and silky properties. The sheared wool is collected and carefully hand carded to remove all of its impurities. The wool is then spun by hand into a fine quality yarn. Swiss dyes are used to dye the yarn into an infinite array of colors. These dyes are superb as they retain their color and vibrancy much longer. The design is carefully drawn on a full-scale grid that the weavers use as a blueprint to create the rug.

Details of this rug:

*Style: Tibetan

* Stock No. R4834

* Quality: 60 knots

* Foundation: Cotton

* Ground Color: Orange gold

* Other Colors: cream, lilac, white,beige as seen in pictures

* Size: 4' x 6' W/L

* Condition: Brand New

* Retail Value: $999

Inspired by nature, designer special, custom made Tibetan rug hand crafted on mountain flower design with bright orange gold back ground. Nice and smooth color combination on flower that place as medallion of the rug. This is a columbine flower that can be find around Rocky mountain area. A plush pile woolen for your luxury and comfort. A great quality rug on most affordable price. Hand knotted in Nepal. Can be use for entry way, bathroom, small seating are, kids room, office, on wide hall way, or use it for your day to day mediation.

Ready in stock and ships from Omaha, NE

Store Policy:
Payment:  Paypal only.

Shipment: Shipment will be effect within 1 business days of payment received date by UPS Ground on your confirm address mentioned on eBay or in Paypal, item will be ship on type of service you paid for, if you want your shipment to be sent to other address, please let me know in advance. This rug will be shipped folded.

Combine shipping or shipping discount: you can get shipping charge free for the second rug if purchase together with first item. This offer is valid for client of US only. If you are buying multiple items, do not pay until you receive combine Invoice from me.

International shipment: We can ship worldwide. All custom duties, fees, brokerage charge if any should be pay by you. I am not responsible for that.
Packing/Handling/Insurance: it is included on shipping cost

Return Policy: I guarantee for your 100% satisfaction on my item's, however if you doesn't like in any case and wants to return, you can return any item unused within 14 days of you receipt it on the way I sent it to you. I can't refund shipping and handling charge for any returned items. The rest amount will be refund immediately after I received the returned item. No re-stocking charge will be charged to you. All items has to be return to my address at Omaha, NE. Please write me before sending back the items.

Note: I  described with picture of actual items, if in any case you are not satisfied with your purchase please let me know, I will try to resolve the problem as soon as I can. If you have any question before and after your purchase please do write to me via eBay message.