Tactical Mic Klip (TMK) Police Shoulder Microphone Holder Clip LEO EMT FIRE Mic

Tactical Mic Klip (TMK) - Securely attaches your microphone to your uniform
Attach to front buttons or shoulder strap buttons (

Compatible with most remote speaker microphones - Motorola, Kenwood, M/A-Com, Tait, Icom, Vertex
Also works great with Bluetooth Lapel Mics, such as the Nighthawk by Earphone Connection, and Mini DVR products

Commonly used by Police, Fire, TSA, Sheriff, Border Patrol, Security, Corrections, EMT and more

Patented product by Webster Innovations

Condition: New in retail packaging
Quantity: 1 each

If you don't like it, return it for a full refund.

Uniform(s) and speaker microphones shown are not included. They are for reference only displaying how the Tactical Mic Klip is commonly used.