200 Osmocote Plus + Root Tabs. Priced to sell. Trying to raise money for a CO2 system for an upcoming tank project I am working on. The Osmocote DifferenceAn all-in-one solution. One application contains 11 essential nutrients and feeds up to 2 to 3 months in an aquarium. Works with virtually all plant varieties and growing conditions. Each granule is coated with a unique resin that controls nutritional release. Plants get what the need, when they need it. This product is an excellent plant food source for aquarium plants specially heavy root feeders such as Amazon swords. Use 1 capsule every 1/2 to 1 square foot. This should be used in addition to other fertilizers that you add to the water column. The amount of fertilizer that must be used should depend on factors such as water change frequency, amount of plants in the aquarium, temperature of the aquarium, lighting, etc. Tabs should last around 3 months depending on factors mentioned above. Please insert the gelatin capsules deep into the substrate of your tank.

GUARANTEED ANALYSIS:TOTAL NITROGEN (N)*……………….....15.0% Ammoniacal Nitrogen………………………8.0% Nitrate Nitrogen……………………………7.0% AVAILABLE PHOSPHATE (P2O5)*…....…9.0% SOLUBLE POTASH (K2O)……………......12.0% Calcium*...........................................................1.9%MAGNESIUM (Mg)*…………………..…..1.4% SULFUR (S)*…………………………….....4.0% BORON (B)*……………………………......0.02% COPPER (Cu)*………………………….......0.05% IRON (Fe)*……………………………...…..0.45% Chelated Iron (Fe)*………………..………...0.03% MANGANESE (Mn)*…………………..…..0.06% MOLYBDENUM (Mo)*…………….………0.02% ZINC (Zn)*…………………………..………0.05% * The nitrogen, phosphate, potash, magnesium, sulfur, boron, iron, manganese, molybdenum, and zinc sources have been coated to provide 12.7% coated slow-release nitrogen (N), 7.6% coated slow-release available phosphate (P2O5), 10.2% coated slow-release soluble potash (K2O), 1.1% coated slow-release magnesium (Mg), 5.1% coated slow-release sulfur (S), 0.015% coated slow-release boron (B), 0.35% coated slow-release iron (Fe), 0.05% coated slow-release manganese (Mn), 0.015% coated slow-release molybdenum (Mo), and 0.015% coated slow-release zinc (Zn)