Dystopian Legions -  Empire of the Blazing Sun: Ashigaru Infantry Expansion Set

Summary: 8 unpainted miniatures for Dystopian Legions.

Imagine a world similar to our own, but subtly different. Now imagine the year is 1870 and the Industrial Revolution occurred decades earlier than in our own world.  DYSTOPIAN LEGIONS is a fast-paced, action-packed 28mm scale tabletop game set in the exciting world of Dystopian Wars, where Victorian super science fiction has created a fascinating and brutal arena for a deadly world war.

Although the smallest of the great powers, the Empire of the Blazing Sun have carved out an influence far greater than their modest territories would suggest.  This is largely due to their formidable strength in arms. The core of this nation’s force are the elite Ashigaru Sections, better trained and equipped than the infantry of any other nation. The Ashigaru are armed with the infamous ‘Dragon’s Breath’; firing cartridges filled with mysterious compounds that ignite on contact with the air, fired from a rapid-repeating shotgun. These horrifying weapons are truly devastating once the Ashigaru have closed to within range.

Bringing to bear the terrifying technologies and developments of the Imperial Alchemical laboratories, the specialists, medics and machine guns often seen in Ashigaru Sections provide a unique support to the mainstay soldiers of those outfits.  The feared Type 7 Rocket Projector, commonly known as the Okha or 'Cherry Blossom', is a potent weapon. Lightweight and simple to build and operate, it hurls a warhead packed with powerful chemical explosives. These shells can blast a hole in an enemy ironclad or blow a machine gun nest to smithereens, making a lone infantryman a threat to the largest targets. The tripod mounted, Kawachi- Kanpon Type 9 is a double-barrelled, fully automatic heavy shotgun loaded with the Alchemical Institute's trademark incendiary shells. 

1 Flag Signaller, 2 Medics, 2 Specialists and 3 MMG Teams.  Multi-part metal figures, plastic bases.  28mm scale.

Pack contains eight infantry.  Miniatures are supplied unpainted and requires assembly.  

    •Manufacturer: Spartan Games

    •Line/Series: Dystopian Legions

    •Stock Number: DLBS43

    •Contents: Eight (8) miniatures

    •Sculptor: N/A

    •Scale: 28mm

    •Material: White Metal Alloy

    •Condition: New

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