100% Pure Citric Acid Powder
Nature & Nurture, NY USA
Citric Acid Powder
Citric acid is a natural preservative:

Citric acid is a natural acid found in fruits such as  lemons, limes, peaches, plums, grapefruit and oranges.
It is a natural preservative for both food and skincare  products., The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has  approved citric acid for use in food.

Beauty Benefits of Citric Acid

When applied to skin, citric acid can slough off dead skin  cells and speed new cell turnover. The latter promotes new  skin growth that can help alleviate the appearance of age  spots, acne scars, small wrinkles and areas of uneven tone  and texture. Homemade beauty products containing citric acid  are more affordable than professional treatments but can be  similarly effective -- if on a smaller scale. Side effects  of citric acid use on the skin include slight burning,  tingling, and temporary redness. It is important to test all  homemade beauty products on a small patch of skin several  hours before using the product on your face. The underside  of your forearm is an appropriate spot.

Citric Acid and Milk Mask for Acne-Prone Skin
To brighten oily skin and get a similar effect to that  of a light chemical peel, try a milk mask that combines  citric and lactic acids to slough away dead cells and even  out skin tone. To make this mask, combine 1/4 cup low-fat  milk, 2 tbsp. citric acid powder and 1/4 cup water in a  small bowl. Stir until the ingredients are blended and the  powder has dissolved, and then apply the mixture to dry  skin. Let the mask dry for 15 minutes -- it will begin to  tighten and crack, so sit still -- then rinse thoroughly  with lukewarm water.

Citric Acid Peel for Clogged Pores
A rubbery peeling mask penetrates deep into pores and sucks  out dirt and oil as it dries, leaving skin softer, cleaner  and brighter in appearance. Stir together 1/2 cup water, 1/2  cup orange juice, 2 tbsp. citric acid powder and a packet of  unflavored gelatin in a saucepan. Heat on medium, stirring  constantly until the gelatin and citric acid powder fully  dissolve. Transfer the mixture into a heat-safe bowl, and  refrigerate for 25 minutes. Apply a thin layer of the mask  to dry skin, and let it dry for 30 minutes. Peel off gently,  starting at the outside edges of the mask.

Citric Acid Scrub for Uneven Skin Tone
To attack areas of uneven skin tone or roughness, a citric  acid scrub leaves skin feeling rejuvenated and soft. Combine  1/4 cup plain yogurt, 2 tbsp. rolled oats and 1 tbsp. citric  acid powder in a small bowl. Stir until the ingredients are  mixed, and then apply the scrub to damp, just-cleansed skin.  Scrub gently in a circular motion with your fingers for up  to two minutes or until you experience a slight tingle.  Rinse with cool water.
Direction for Use
Suggested percentage: 0.3% to 0.5%(1/8 teaspoon of Citric Acid per 4 fl.  oz)
Any statements about our products have not been evaluated by the FDA.
 Our active skin care ingredients are not intended  to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease