HavaJava.com   Premium Domain Name.  Make your Offer for this one domain

Great coffee or cafe or internet brand name. Highly and easily recognizable. Rhyming sound.

Payment by Paypal or in person by Certified Check, Money Order from a major U.S. bank, Bank Wire or Cash in San Diego or Los Angeles

I've been in Domains since 1998 including Great Domains & Register.com 

 I have owned HavaJava.com for 20 years.

I have listed separately other domains on ebay:  VIP9.com ,  Presidency.org ,  8BA.org  ,  BeautyContests.org ,  BananaSplit.org and Sexily.org

These six domains are not included in this listing and are for sale on ebay individually and separately. I have sold other domains on ebay previously.

No returns since this Domain will be transferred to your Registrar & you will have it.  I will mail a courtesy confirmation letter upon payment.

Domain transfer should be to the same person or their personal company as registered on their ebay account to avoid a possible dispute.
