Venus Love Oil for Beauty, Love, Infatuation, Sexual Power & to Attract a Wealthy Partner

For Hoodoo, Wiccan & Pagan Rituals

Our Venus Love Oil contains the most sacred herbs and oils associated to the Roman Goddess of Love. Of course, we have included myrtle and apple leaves! We have also added many other love related herbs and oils that are known to help bolster one’s love affairs and ambitions. Our Venus Love Oil can certainly aid those who are seeking out a new relationship, particularly with a wealthy partner. But for those of you who wish to simply augment your own feminine powers than give this oil a try. Historically, Venus was petitioned by those who sought out her influence on love related matters that often included issues of fertility, seduction, marriage and sexual prowess. Our Venus Love Oil is fabulous to use for pretty much anything having to do with beauty, sexuality, loyalty, infatuation, power and devotion. It’s perfect to use by those who wish to get their lovers to bond to them and can be used by those who wish to attract a loyal companion. Our Venus Love Oil comes in a ½ oz bottle.

Our Venus Love Oil can be worn on the body, placed in a bath or anointed on amulets or talismans, Place some in the heel of your shoes to attract new love or anoint some on a picture of your love interest and pin it to your mattress. Rub some on your altar or on your divination tools. When embarking on an event that involves a love related situation, take a few drops of Venus Oil and mix it into your favorite lotion. Apply to the lotion to your body, beginning from the bottom of your feet and up your entire body. I recommend doing this after you bathe.

To perform a powerful love ritual, get a pink candle and anoint it with some Venus Love Oil, drawing the oil up the candle towards the wick. On a piece of parchment paper or brown paper bag write out your desires and then fold the paper towards you three times. Place the candle in an appropriate candle holder and place it over your petitioned. When ready, light the candle and read the Song of Songs from the bible or simply say a prayer of your own.

Friday is the best days to invoke the Goddess Venus. Find a picture of her and place it on your altar. Get an apple and divide it into six pieces. Then, pour a bit of honey and Venus Love Oil over the apple. If you have any seashells or things associated with the sea, place these on your altar. Feel free to leave out other items associated with beauty as Venus would definitely appreciate it! She was also often depicted in the gardens of many ancient Romans so feel free to leave her fresh flowers, particularly roses as these were associated with her during ancient times. Daisy’s work as well. Get a pink or white candle and anoint it with Venus Love Oil, drawing the oil up the candle towards the top of the wick. When ready, light the candle and ask Venus to intercede on your behalf.