Botanical Name: Cocos nucifera

Method of extraction: Cold Pressed

Country of Origin: Philippines

Ingredients: Fractionated coconut oil

Color: Colorless 








Fractionated coconut oil is a fraction of coconut oil. We know that coconut oil is good for health and there are a few other things we know very well about coconut oil. It is predominantly composed of saturated fatty acids, and it is rich in medium-chain fatty acids. Being rich in saturated fatty acids, it is highly stable, but human nature is such that it is never satisfied or contended. It is always looking for more. Fractionated Coconut Oil is a super carrier for essential oils. It is completely liquid, colorless, odorless, and resists rancidity. It is non-greasy and very light - makes a great non-staining massage oil.


Uses and benefits:



1.  Hair Care

If you have dry, damaged hair, it’s also worth trying coconut oil.The capric and caprylic acids work as antioxidants and disinfectants, and the low molecular weight of the oil means it can easily penetrate the hair shaft.


2.  Skin Care

Because of the high protein content, which is believed to help repair the skin.


3.  Anti-bacterial protection

Fractionated coconut oil has antibacterial properties and can be mixed with anti-bacterial essential oils to create a natural treatment for wounds.


4.  Soap/lotion base 

It is widely used in the preparation of soaps, lotions, ointments and other cosmetics.


5.  Massage Oil





CAUTION: Test the oil on your wrist before using it, to make sure that you are not allergic.



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