Our aim is introducing to shop customers not all 

tea available at the market, but just carefully 

selected best quality tea we can offer at 

most competitive price.

All orders of 500g and over will be dispatched in cardboard boxes.


Malwatte Valley Plantations is a grower, manufacturer and exportor of some of the finest teas the Ceylon produces. All its plantations are situated in the Uva Province. Sarnia Estate is one of the most known of their estates.  Teas produced in Malwatte Valley gardens during the "quality season" covering the period July to September are sought after by buyers from around the world. Sarnia Estate is the popular and very well-known garden for producing excellent black tea: OP-1 orthodox big leaves and BOP-1 with broken leaves. This particular tea is made in orthodox way, it means leaves are processed by hands and are not broken. It is very exclusive and rare tea. Black and copper thin leaves of malt aroma and flavour give the dark-red, deep colour of infusion. Strong but well balanced soup is offering smoothness without strong bitterness. As all the best Ceylon`s tea it brings in to your cup excellent "good morning" tea. As most of Sarnia Plaideria teas is excellent on its own, but some milk and/or brown sugar or honey will highlights its taste.

More popular and bit cheaper is Sarnia Plaiderie loose leaf tea BOP-1 which leaves are broken. You can find it at our shop as well.

Ingredients: 100% Sarnia Plaiderie OP-1 Orthodox black tea.

Brewing tips:

Classic: 2 to 3 grams, 200 mills of water at around 95+ C degrees, 3 to 5 mins depend on preferences. Infuse with boiling water for up to 3 minutes if you want your tea stimulating and energizing; 3-5 minutes if you want it to have a soothing and relaxing effect. 

After you have finished brewing, take the leaves out of the cup/teapot – if they remain in the water too long, they start releasing tannins. Tannin makes tea taste bitter, inhibits absorption of magnesium and iron which are necessary for the body to function properly.

All brewing tips is a guidance only. The best is experiment to find own way depend on preferences.


Why buy from us:

When we realized we love tea we have started to discover everything about it. We have established interpersonal contacts with farmers and tea makers. They let us know how to judge the tea quality, what to pay particular attention on, where to find and how to choose the best natural flavours and health benefits and how to brew and enjoyed it. Results?

Quality: We can guarantee the best world quality teas at very competitive price and offer products only from the very best tea gardens around the world.

Price: The way from bush to cup have to be short. Our personal contacts make this way as short as possible to cut down final cost of tea.

Choice:  Our extensive range means you can pick the teas that suit you the best.

Feedback: Customer satisfaction is our best reward. We fully believe that feedback is an awaited gift of our customers. We intend to tailor our offer accordingly to customer’s expectations maintaining the highest quality of our products.

The message: We want to share with you benefits which tea brings to our everyday life. Tea is naturally and inextricably connected with health and beauty. In contrast to drugs it combines pleasant and useful without side effects.  For anyone who wants to take care of health and beauty tea is an essential means to achieve it. 


Someone say: our product deserved for exclusive packaging.

We rather say: our customers deserved for exclusive product with proper packaging without rising product price.

All our tea is hand processed at the day of dispatch. All our tea (loose-leaf tea and our teabags) is placed to the metal tin or two, three layers’ pouches and heat sealed at the day of dispatch to ensure freshness and aroma of the tea. We use different pouches to pack different teas as not all teas required same space. For example, Oolong tea in opposite to Pai Mu Tan required less space and we can easily put 200 grams in to big pouch when same pouch will contain no more than 80-100 gram of Pai Mu Tan tea. It is the reason we do not offer some tea such a Pai Mu Tan packed to metal tin when weight is higher than 50g.


All orders placed at week days (Monday to Friday) before 11.00 will be dispatched same day if payment received. Required IMMEDIATE PAYMENT.

All orders placed after 11.00 Friday, weekend and Bank Holidays will be dispatched next working day if payment receivedRequired IMMEDIATE PAYMENT.

We do NOT post any orders if payment is not cleared. 


All orders "Buy it now" required IMMEDIATE PAYMENT and will be shipped as above.

All orders placed by "Add to basket" will be shipped after payment is clear. 

Thank you very much for being here and supporting our family business. We will everything what is possible to give you the best product and service to keep you here. For more offers and information, please, visit our homepage at: 
