Quality gifts & collectables for all animal lovers

Ulysses Butterfly Jewelled & Enamelled Trinket Box - Figurine


Ulysses Butterfly Jewelled Trinket Box

Box has been changed to a red stone centre

Approx Size 11 (L) x 7 (W) x 3 (H) cms

Trinket boxes are hinged with magnet closures.

Each item comes in a satin lined presentation box

Perfect for storing rings, earrings, reminder or memorable notes on your dressing table or as a decorative feature around the home ? they make charming gifts to celebrate a special occasion or simply to brighten someone's day!


Photo's are provided for reference - please be aware that there may be slight colour variations as photo's are taken under lights & edited. Computer monitors can also display colours differently.


Items are posted via Australia Post using Parcel Post.
Should you require Express Post, Registered Post please select the appropriate option in checkout.
Note: eBay delivery times are an ESTIMATE ONLY and not a guarantee of delivery as stated by eBay.

Registered Post is required to some overseas countries, regardless of value, due to poor delivery record.


Items that are not supplied in presentation or gift boxes will be posted in the best available packaging - this may be recycled boxes and may be biscuit, cereal boxes or whatever else is suitable. We always use high quality bubble wrap.