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These messages represent the highlights of 2017 with fresh and transforming instruction from pastor and teacher Tony Evans. The Best of Tony Evans CD-series includes ten messages on CD and ten additional FREE MP3 downloads. Order the series today, and experience the inspiration from this past year.

The Best of Tony Evans 2017 CD Description

Waiting on God
 CD (Psalm 27:13-14) – As a Christian, one of the most difficult things we are asked to do is to wait on God. What we need to remember, however, is that when the waiting tempts us to despair, that moment is actually God’s invitation calling to us to worship Him just before He comes through.

Overcoming Emotional Strongholds
 CD (Psalm 42:1-11) – Life can be cruel, and when tragedy or calamity comes on strong, we can become emotionally compromised. Depression and sadness can bring the best of us to our knees. But our God is bigger than any calamity, and His Word shows us how we can be freed from the shackles.

Trusting the God You Believe In
 CD (Proverbs 3:5-8) - A lot of people will proudly tell you that they believe in God.  But according to Scripture, so do the demons. Tony Evans will tell you about the essential ingredient that turns simple belief into something powerful enough to overcome hell.  Discover what it is.

The Need for Spiritual Armor Part 1
 CD (Ephesians 6:10-13) – Many Christians fear the devil. But even though he's very powerful, he's the last person we should be afraid of. Tony Evans says that the only power that Satan and his demons have is the power we give them. In this message, he explains how to start saying “no” to the devil and making it stick.

Experiencing Spiritual Power
 CD (Ephesians 3:13-21) – God has unlimited power; we have continuing needs. It literally seems like a match made in heaven. So why aren't more believers experiencing the fruit of that connection? Tony Evans explains as he takes a look at the benefits of really experiencing God.

The Husband’s Role in the Home
 CD (Ephesians 5:25-33) – Men, if your wife isn't the woman you'd hoped she'd be, Tony Evans suggests that you start making some changes—inyourself. He explains why most husbands' approach to marriage is upside down. They should be willing to say, “I do” for the privilege of satisfying her, not for the interest of satisfying themselves.

 Uniqueness of the Person of Christ CD (Philippians 2:1-11) – Tony Evans brings a collection of classic messages exploring ten important ways that Jesus is unique in all creation, and how those distinctives can draw you closer to him. Who should we be in response to who Jesus is?

Overcoming Anxiety Strongholds
 CD (Philippians 4:4-9) – Worry is like an unwelcome houseguest; once it gets inside, it never wants to leave. But the Bible tells us not to worry about a whole host of problems we face every day. Once we shift our focus to the bigger picture, we can better handle not sweating the small stuff.

The Purpose of Detours
 CD (Genesis 37:1-11) – Each of us has a God-given destiny—a place of significance where we will be effective at giving maximum glory to God. While these detours are often difficult and test our patience, there is a divine purpose to them: God is preparing us for our destiny and our destiny for us.

The Shield of Faith CD
 (Ephesians 6:10-16) – Spiritual attacks are inevitable in life; spiritual failures aren't. Tony Evans gives us a look at how to defend ourselves, even if we feel cornered. With the shield of faith in hand, we have God’s mighty protection from anything that Satan throws our way.

The Best of Tony Evans 2017 MP3 Description

Your Experience and Your Destiny MP3
 (Luke 22:31-34) – God has ordained a custom-designed life for every believer that leads to the expansion of His kingdom. Until people discover the reason why they were uniquely created, they will be empty and frustrated. But a clear understanding of their personal assignment from God brings about their deepest satisfaction, God's greatest glory and the greatest benefit to others.

Experiencing Spiritual Authority
 MP3 (Mark 11:20-26) - If God gave us the authority to be rulers in life, why do so many of us feel like we're in chains instead of in charge? Tony Evans explains why it comes down to the difference between having power and putting it to use.

Putting on the Armor MP3
 (Ephesians 6:10-20) - It may not look to you like God is doing much in your life right now. But Tony Evans explains that there's a lot more to "reality" than the part we can see. It's a look at the benefits of wearing the "whole armor of God."

Divine Reversals
 MP3 (Esther 7 & 8) - We're all comfortable with the idea of the Lord getting us out of trouble. Tony Evans talks about what may be happening when God intentionally lets us get into it.

Jehovah Rohi, the Lord is My Shepherd MP3
 (Psalm 23:1-6) - Sheep aren’t especially bright animals, and they don't get along too well without the proper guidance.  So, Tony Evans will focus on how the Lord shepherds his flock… namely us!

Treasures from Trials
 MP3 (2 Corinthians 4:7-15) - Trials in life are inevitable... even if we're right in the center of God’s will. But Tony Evans explains how we can discover the "up" side of "down" times as he talks about the choice we can make to find treasures in our trials.

Your Future and Your Destiny
 MP3 (Jeremiah 29:11-14) - "Tomorrow" can be a scary destination
— especially if you’re trying to feel your way toward it on your own. Tony Evans explains why the smartest way to find the future you’re looking for is to look for something else instead.

Slaying the Giants in Your Life
 MP3 (1 Samuel 17:31-37) - We know that the size of our problems is nothing compared to the size of our God, but sometimes it's hard to keep that truth in mind when you
’re face to face with a challenge that overwhelms you. Tony Evans says that if that's what you're focusing on, you're missing the point.  It's a look at putting "giants" in their place.

Recovering from Low Expectations
 MP3 (Acts 3:1-10) - Tony Evans explains that lowering your expectations in life may keep you from being disappointed, but it may keep you from being delivered, too.  It's a look at why healing the "lame" includes more than just people who have a hard time walking.

How to Be Truly Rich
 MP3 (Luke 12:13-21) - Lots of people daydream about how much easier life could be if they just had more money. But Tony Evans says that affluence often causes more problems than it solves.  Don
’t miss this look at what it means to be truly rich.

This item usually cost $75 but no worries I'm selling it at a discounted price. So enjoy :-)

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