Feather is the new development board from Adafruit, and like it's namesake it is thin, light, and lets you fly! They designed Feather to be a new standard for portable microcontroller cores.

At the Feather 328P's heart is an ATmega328P clocked at 8 MHz and at 3.3V logic. This chip has 32K of flash and 2K of RAM, and they paired it with a SiLabs CP2104 to give it USB-to-Serial program & debug capability built in. Works great when you want to keep your classic Arduino code compatibility, but want to use one of the dozens of FeatherWings

To make it easy to use for portable projects, there is a connector for any of our 3.7V Lithium polymer batteries and built in battery charging. You don't need a battery, it will run just fine straight from the micro USB connector. But, if you do have a battery, you can take it on the go, then plug in the USB to recharge. The Feather will automatically switch over to USB power when its available.