AN ORIGINAL PHOTOGRAPH  BY NOTED AUTHOR  Wilfred T.F.Castle                 storage t2t2  envelope     ref blank
you are buying the original photograph in the listing  -- almost certainly framed and composed with a view to publication during a field trip in differnt parts of Cyprus  ..  

  for information only 
His publication including Grand Turk  --  London: Hutchinson, 1940. An historical outline of life and events, of culture and politics, of trade and travel during the last years of the Ottoman Empire and the first years of the Turkish Republic.  
a critique of this is below ---- This obscure work came out in the early 1940s.... the author, Wilfred T.F. Castle, sounds Turk-friendly (what with that title! Certainly an improvement over "The Blight of Asia"), but he might have been forcing himself, not wanting to give any excuse for Turkey to slip in with the Germamans. His heart, however, is with the Greeks and Armenians... he glosses over the massacres and the Burning of Izmir, indicating his real sympathies.
 etc etc