Benny Carter - Vol. 8 (1937) CD
Benny Carter - Vol. 8 (1937) CD

Bar Code: 3356571010328


1. Black Bottom
2. Black Bottom [#]
3. Rambler's Rhythm [#]
4. Rambler's Rhythm
5. New Street Swing
6. New Street Swing [#]
7. I'll Never Give In [#]
8. I'll Never Give In
9. Honeysuckle Rose
10. Crazy Rhythm
11. (You Came Along from) Out of Nowhere
12. Sweet Georgia Brown
13. Skip It
14. Lazy Afternoon
15. I Ain't Got Nobody
16. I Ain't Got Nobody
17. Blues in My Heart
18. Somebody Loves Me
19. Somebody Loves Me
20. Mighty Like the Blues
21. Pardon Me, Pretty Baby
22. Pardon Me, Pretty Baby
23. My Buddy
24. My Buddy
25. My Buddy [#]

Versandkosten für CDs
  1-2 CDs 3-8 CDs
Deutschland 2,00 EUR 3,99 EUR
Europe 4,00 EUR 8,50 EUR
USA, Canada... EUR 6,50  Ask me

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