Actinic keratosis? Give your skin a new chance

Sun exposure may cause cellular DNA damage that builds up over the years. This is known as actinic damage. The effects can be mild, such as wrinkles or blemishes, or severe, such as raised blemishes, itching and flaking, known as actinic keratosis (AK) or non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC).

It is estimated that for every visible actinic keratosis, there are up to 10 subclinical lesions in the immediate area that are still not visible, forming what is known as cancerisation field. The skin will look normal, but the sun will have caused internal changes that will probably develop into new actinic keratoses. If you have been treated for actinic keratosis, it is very important to treat the entire subclinical cancerisation field to prevent new lesions in the area.

Repairs DNA Photolyase

The sun has an impact on cells and causes damage to DNA. Healthy people are only able to repair 45% of this damage naturally. Plankton is a microorganism that is permanently exposed to the sun. That is why its DNA contains photolyase, which provides fool-proof protection against the sun's harmful effects. Found in Eryfotona as DNA RepairsomesTM, photolyase locates and repairs a further 45% of solar damage that your body is not able to repair, thereby doubling your skin's restorative capacity.

100+ protection

Reduces the reappearanceof lesions by half

It creates a protective film on the skin (UVB 109, UVA 39), which prevents the appearance of new lesions.

For example, in people who have been treated for actinic keratosis (AK), it has been shown that Eryfotona reduces the likelihood of relapse by 50% in six months.

Start to take care of yourself and don't concern excessively.

You still have time!

Rapid absorption

Maximum convenience

Shake before use

Shake before applying to ensure maximum fluidity for rapid absorption.

How to apply

Apply to exposed areas in the mornings and at midday: face, forehead, ears, neckline, scalp and the back of the hands.

Compact size

In a convenient 50 ml container. Take Eryfotona with you wherever you go.