Uncrossing Bath Gel for Hexes, Curses, Negative Energy Hoodoo Voodoo Wicca Pagan

Our Uncrossing Bath Gel has the perfect recipe to help you rid yourself of any type of negative influence that may be hampering your life or the lives of those you care about. Our Uncrossing recipe has the necessary ingredients to remove curses, negative energy, jinxes, crossed conditions or hexes. It can even be used as a spiritual bath to help reverse a harmful spell or can simply help you rid yourself of some bad mojo! If you feel you are being influenced by any type of unwanted energy, Uncrossing Bath Gel can help you accomplish that. More importantly, this gel can take any type of harmful energy and send it right back to those who may wish you harm. Uncrossing Bath Gel is a great way to create a barrier  and shield between you and those that have malicious intentions. This recipe is even known to dispel the evil eye. Every bottle includes the essential oils of Peppermint, Myrrh, Patchouli and Camphor. It comes in a 4 oz plastic bottle and has a fresh minty scent.


Base Ingredients:  Ingredients: water, ammonium lauryl sulfate, ammonium laureth sulfate, lauramide DEA, lauryl glucoside, ammonium xylene sulfonate, sodium chloride, citric acid, germaben iiE, aloe vera, argan oil, coconut oil, avocado oil.


Plus our own Peppermint, Myrrh, Camphor and Patchouli Essential and Fragrance oil blend.