SCAN SPEAK Passivradiator 30W/0-00-00 Discovery

The Discovery series offer traditional design, superior sound, a solid construction, and
a wide range of variants. Combining these elements - plus a wealth of technical
features and finesses - it gives our customers the possibility of acquiring a tailor-made
Scan-Speak solution with very good performance at a reasonable low price point!


. Optimized for 30W/4558T00

. Rigid Black Aluminium Cone

. Die cast Alu Chassis

. Adjustable Weight for Optimum Fres

. Coated Sandwich Fibre Glass Dust Cap

T-S Parameters

Resonance frequency [fs] 9.5 Hz

Mechanical Q factor [Qms] 14

Electrical Q factor [Qes] -

Total Q factor [Qts] -

Force factor [Bl] - Tm

Mechanical resistance [Rms] 1.84 kg/s

Moving mass [Mms] 435 g

Suspension compliance [Cms] 0.65 mm/N

Effective diaph. diameter [D] 244 mm

Effective piston area [Sd] 466 cm2

Equivalent volume [Vas] 200 l

Sensitivity (2.83V/1m) - dB

Ratio Bl/ãRe - N/ãW

Ratio fs/Qts - Hz

Max mech. excursion } 28 mm

Unit weight 1.4 kg

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