Early Map of Virginia showing Jamestown, Williamsburg and Yorktown

Detailed Specifications

This is a reproduction of the original map

This Map Comes in Sizes:
11"x15", 16"x22" and 23"x31"

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Designed for the Williamsburg restoration project.
Shows Historical Events of Williamsburg, Yorktown and Jamestown 1585-1781 and the
surrounding area.
Showing images of battles fields, establishment of settlements and the burning of towns.
Noted images to Captain John Smith is all over the map for different entries:
John Smith
trading with Indians May 1607
John Smith captured by Indians May 1607
John Smith led captive through a great part the Tidewater region and finally brought before King Powhatan
John Smith life saved by Pocahontas January 5, 1608. 

This map comes with a white border around the image
-How are the prints shipped?
They are rolled and placed into a rigid tube or box.

-Is this available in a larger/smaller size.
Yes. For smaller or larger sizes, email us.