Singers/ Vocalists How To Eliminate Stage Fright. No Stage Fright For Singers Vocalists you can get this program here for A LOT LESS then it sells for brand new. This is in new condition only the shrink wrap is missing.

Attention Singers / Vocalists

Got Stage Fright?

Wanna Get Rid of It?

It Works Almost INSTANTLY!

(YES,Even For YOU!)

(And IF I'm wrong you get to hear it for FREE)

Who Else Wants To Get Rid of Their Stage Fright And Skyrocket Your Self Confidence As  a


If you will spend a few minutes reading a short EASY to read book  and then

take 33 minutes to listen to a hypnosis CD or mp3 download at night as you go to sleep.

This program  will take away all of your stage fright and performance anxiety so that you can get up on a stage and sing and perform as well (or better) as you do when you sing in the shower or practice.

It Works Almost INSTANTLY!

(YES, Even For YOU!)

(And IF I'm wrong you get to hear it for FREE)

If Stage Fright, Performance Anxiety, Fear, Doubt & Lack Of Confidence Is Holding You Back & Keeping You From Reaching Your Musical Dreams… I’ve Got The Solution That YOU Need! It does not matter if your stage fright is basically you getting a mild case of jitters and nerves before and during a gig or or if you are so nervous that you feel like your are gonna get thrown out of an airplane...

If you will spend a few minutes reading a short EASY to read book or E-book and then

take 33 minutes to listen to a hypnosis CD or mp3 at night as you go to sleep.

I will take away all of your stage fright and performance anxiety so that you can get up on a stage and sing and perform as well (or better) as you do when you sing in the shower or practice.

It Works Almost INSTANTLY!

(YES,Even For YOU!)

(AndI F I'm wrong you get to hear it for FREE)

It does not matter if you sing Rock, Country, Pop, R&B, or Easy Listening, Jazz or if You Rap.

It does not matter if you already sing professionally, or if you are  in a garage band or if you only sing in the shower.

It does not matter if you sing in a school or a church choir or  if you

are auditioning for "The Voice" "Idol" "Americas Got Talent" "The Sing off" or just want to sing Karaoke or Rap for Your friends.

I will help you (and practically make you)  Get Rid of All of YOUR

Stage Fright / Performance Anxiety

So that you can walk into any room, leap up on stage & be




You will do it because





Once You Do This YOU Will

Go Further In Your Singing and Performing Than You've Ever Gone Before!

This will happen because

You WILL Instantly “Flip a Switch”


Flip off

Stage Fright

Feelings of Nervousness, Paralyzing Feelings of Fear, Pressure, Anxiety, Self Doubt, Over Analyzing, & Making a Mistake and Having To Be Perfect That Results in You Having Stage Fright / Performance Anxiety and “choking” on Stage

And Instead YOU Will

Flip On

Self Confidence, Focus, Certainty, Calmness, Power

So That You  Can Eliminate All of Your Fears, Unleash Your Talent And Get Up on Stage And


The Way That You Do In Your DREAMS

If this interests you as a singer  /  vocalist

I Have The Quick and Easy Solution That YOU Need!

If you are a singer / vocalist this program applies to YOU no matter what type of music that you sing.

As you read the stories below don't get hung up on the type of music that the singer / musician mentioned is singing.  My techniques for overcoming stage fright / performance anxiety work for everyone.

Now before I ask you to read about how wonderful this program is and howit will take all of your stage fright away.

Go ahead and read  a few   stories about some work I did for a few singers


A singer of a country band found his way to me and said that his stage fright problem was all about the lighting in the room.  If the house lighting was dark and he could stare into the spot light, he never saw the audience and he could sing and perform almost fearlessly.  But if the lighting were not that way and he could see any faces of the audience he'd break out into a sweat and he'd shake and lose focus and panic. His voice would tighten and  he would practically have a panic attack and he would want to leave the stage.

He wanted to change this, so I we met in a theater and I hypnotized him and used my special process, "in a

nutshell"  he sang with house lights up full bright and no stage or spot lights and I had him make eye contact with smiling faces of crew members who, "stood in" for an audience while radiating joy and love and feeling it come back to him.  The performance anxiety problem went away and now he can sing in any situation. He now embraces seeing the faces of his audience and he performs and sings without any stage fright, fear or anxiety and instead he is CONFIDENT onstage.


It does not matter if your stage fright is basically you getting a mild case of jitters and nerves before and during a gig or  or if you are so nervous that you feel like your are gonna get thrown out of an airplane...

If you will spend a few minutes reading a short EASY to read book and then

take 33 minutes to listen to a hypnosis CD or mp3  download at night as you go to sleep.

I will take away all of your stage fright and performance anxiety so that you can get up on a stage and sing and perform as well (or better) as you do when you sing in the shower or practice.

It Works Almost INSTANTLY!

(YES,Even For YOU!)

(And IF I'm wrong you get to hear it for FREE)

Singing on Stage or in a Studio

IS All About Transferring Feelings.

This is why if you start feeling FEARFUL or nervous or apprehensive or you start thinking too much about what you are doing” it will come through in your voice and on your face and your performance suddenly suffers. This is why, when you get STAGE FRIGHT, your mind (your computer) starts running a program called, ANXIETY AND  FEAR and you begin thinking fearful thoughts of FAILURE,making a mistake, being judged, etc and so your body especially your voice tenses up, cracks  and you start making dumb mistakes or even freeze up or go blank.

However when you are relaxedCONFIDENT and focused –that's when you are in the groove”  and the magic happens and you sing masterfully. When the magic happens” you are accessing the more powerful, resourceful feelings in your “subconscious mind” where there is basically a “program” stored on your “hard drive” that told your lungs and your mouth what to do.And YOUR VOICE made all the right sounds and your body made all the right moves automatically without you having to think about it. Your subconscious mind was also running a program called, “confidence,focus and relaxation.

As a hypnotherapist I help people get their head right so that they only run the program called CONFIDENCE, FOCUS AND RELAXATION.

Get it now?

Why you should trust me to help you eliminate

your Stage Fright so you can SING at your finest?

If you don't  know who I am CLICK HERE  to read about who I am and how I can help even you get rid of your  stage fright and sing at your best.

Here I am

and Remember

I am not the guy who ALMOST Gets Results.



This amazing CD or mp3 comes with an unlimited NO QUESTIONS ASKED MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. ANY TIME EVER. If for any reason ANY TIME EVER you feel that this CD or mp3 download does not take away all of your stage fright/ performance anxiety give you all of the SELF CONFIDENCE AND FOCUS THAT YOU WANT on and off stage in your singing, and performing,simply return it and I will refund 100% of the purchase price. (minus shipping and handling)

NOTE:DIGITAL MP3s and E-books can NOT BE REFUNDED because you can't return a  book or mp3

I can offer you this guarantee because I am 100% confident that it will work for you!

So why not get over your stage fright so you can be the singer that you are capable of being, singing as the MAXIMUM YOU!


It does not matter if you are an amateur singer, if you sing professionally or if you are auditioning for "The Voice" "Idol""The Sing off," "Americas Got Talent" or just wanna sing Karaoke.

this EASY TO USE program will help you (and practically make you)  Get Rid of All of YOUR

Stage Fright / Performance Anxiety!