Parasite Cleanse Tea 280g (2 weeks of cleanse)

Contains a blend of 12th different herbs

Wormwood, Tancetum - Tansy, Cloves, Rosehip Shells, Chicory Leaf, Marshmallow Root, Buckwheat, Black Walnut, Elderberry Fruit, Dandelion Root, Elecampane, Heartsease.

WORMWOOD is used to eliminate intestinal worms, especially pinworms and roundworms. Pinworms are the most common worm infection with pinworm eggs spread directly from person to person. Roundworms, ornematodes, are parasites that also infect human intestines. Pinworms can cause extreme itching in the anal region while roundworms can cause cough, shortnessof breath, abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhea, blood in the stool, weightloss, and presence of the worm in vomit or stool.

TANSY is an herbal remedy for treating worms as it contains a volatile oil with the active ingredients thujone, camphor and myrtenol, which are toxic to internal parasites. Tansy contains vitamin C and may help booster your immune system and help relieve symptoms of the cold or the flu. Other medicinal uses of tansyinclude the treatment of colic, gout and plague.

CLOVES contains the most powerful germicidal agent in the herbal kingdom, known as eugenol. It also contains caryophyllene, which is a powerful antimicrobial agent. These components travel through the bloodstream, killing microscopic parasites and parasitic larvae andeggs.

BLACK WALNUT is effective against ringworm,tapeworm, pin or thread worm, and other parasites of the intestine. This is why black walnut makes a great addition to any parasite cleanse.

ROSEHIP normalizes the function of the kidneys and liver, helps toprevent gastrointestinal diseases, eliminates toxins and improves the body's resistance to infectious diseases.

CHICORY is used for high blood pressure, heartfailure, loss of appetite, upset stomach, constipation, liver and gallbladder disorders, cancer, and rapid heartbeat.

MARSHMALLOW ROOT may help soothe irritation and inflammation in the digestive tract. Marshmallow root has also antioxidant properties that may help protect the body from damage caused by free radicalsand has antibacterial activity that may make it effective in wound healing.

BUCKWHEAT is richly furnished with antioxidants – not only from the plant flavonoids, it contains the highly antioxidant minerals;copper, manganese and selenium.

ELDERBERRY FRUITS were found to support immune defense byincreasing the number of white blood cells. Besides there are strong antioxidants.

DANDELION has historically beenused forliver complaints and cleansing for centuries. It strengthens the liver and stimulates the flow of bile which helps with the digestion of fats,indigestion, constipation andremoval of toxins.

ELECAMPANE is a traditional remedy for worms; the constituent alantolactone has been used as ananthelmintic in the treatment of roundworm, threadworm, hookworm and whipworm infestation.

HEARTSEASE is an herbal tea that has a positive effect onthe kidneys by increasing the amount of urine, and eliminating more toxins.

DIRECTIONS: Before bedtime, soak 5 tablespoons of themixture in 4 cups ofwater, cover it, and leave it covered overnight. The following morning, bring the concoctionto a boil. Let it simmer for10 minutes before straining. Drink 1 glass 3 times before main mealsthroughout the day.

This tea does not need to be taken warm or hot, but do notrefrigerateit. Also, do not add sugar or sweeteners. During the day drink at least 2,5 litres of still water. During the cleanse, try to avoid consuming sweet products, dairy foods,coffee, alcohol, carbonated beverages, gluten products, nuts and anyother foods or drinks that contain preservatives, artificial sweeteners,coloring agents.

If you are already on medication or have health problems, it is preferable to consult your doctor before starting this treatment to reduce the possibility of any negativeside-effects and of course dosage should never be abused.


Anytime you are cleansing, be it from parasites or Candida, you must support the liver. These malevolent critters release numerous toxins during their life cycle and will continue to release even more when they die. Many of their metabolic by products are very toxic to the body, some even target the destruction of your liver (gliotoxin) and others, like acetaldehyde, leach away at your glutathione levels (your master antioxidant) which is absolutely vital for the proper detoxification of poisonous compounds out from your body. Supporting your liver through the cleansing process will make the entire procedure an easier and more gentle experience.


During a parasite cleanse it is common to experience a healing crisis or what some like to call ‘die off’. Essentially what's happening is that when these pathogenic critters die they release toxins faster than your body can eliminate them. You may experience some uncomfortable flu-like symptoms: Headaches, Joint and muscle pain, body aches and fatigue Sore throat, Nausea Excess mucus, Digestive upset: diarrhea, constipation, gas, bloating Mood disturbances: mood swings, irritability, inability to concentrate, depression Itchy ears, nose, anus This is completely normal and a temporary reaction. Sometimes you will feel worse before you feel better, but generally people report only mild discomforts during a parasite cleanse.

If you do experience a healing crisis, it is important to be gentle with yourself and take it slow. A soak in a hot bath with ½ cup of Epsom salts can help to draw toxins out, soothe your nervous system, as well as provide you with the highly sought after mineral magnesium. Absorbent materials such as activated charcoal, diatomaceous earth, bentonite clay, are great tools to have up your sleeve to help bind to toxins in the gut and escort them out the body. This is a tremendous help to the liver and provides quick relief of uncomfortable detox symptoms.

Parasites cleanse should last at least 2 weeks up to 3 weeks.

Pregnant women and nursing mothers must avoid taking this blend of herbs. Results may vary.

Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. Herbal Remedies does not dispense medical advice, prescribe, or diagnose illness. The views and nutritional advice expressed by Herbal Remedies are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician.


WSKAZÓWKI SPORZĄDZANIA MIESZANKI: Przed snem, namocz 5 łyżek stołowych mieszanki w 4 szklankachwody, przykryj izostaw pod przykryciem na noc. Nazajutrz rano, gotuj mieszankę około 15 minut,a następnie odcedź. Pij 3 razy dziennie po szklance, 30 minut przed głównymiposiłkami. Ta herbatka nie musi być pita na gorąco czy nawet na ciepło, ale nieprzechowuj jej w lodówce. Nie dodawaj również cukru ani słodzików!

Pamietaj, aby w trakcie jakiegokolwiek oczyszczania organizmu zawsze wspierać filtracje nerek, które  w trakcie takiego procesu są mocno obciążone. Popularną mieszanką ziołową na nerki są zioła Moritza, które również znajdziesz w naszym sklepie (Kidney Tea by A. Moritz)

Kuracja odrobaczająca powinna być stosowana przez co najmniej 2 tygodnie. Pijemy minimum 2,5 litra wody dziennie. W trakcie kuracji nie powinniśmy spożywać żadnych produktów zawierających cukier, również miód, ksylitol i tym podobne słodzidła, unikajmy produktów zawierających gluten, produkty mleczne, orzechy.

SKŁAD: Piołun, Wrotycz, Ziele cykorii podróżnika, Goździki, Korzeń prawoślazu lekarskiego, Gryka, Oman, Fiołek Trójbarwny, Owoce Bzu Czarnego, Liście Orzecha Włoskiego, Dzika róża, Mniszek lekarski korzeń

Uwagi: Nie przekraczać zalecanej dawki dziennej. Przechowywać w miejscu suchym, w temperaturze pokojowej, w sposóbniedostępny dla małych dzieci.

Powyższy opis nie stanowi porady medycznej.Wszystkie zioła stosujesz na własną odpowiedzialność. Miej proszę na uwadze silne działanie niektórych ziół i ich możliwej reakcji przy jednoczesnymzażywaniu z lekami. Jeśli masz jakiekolwiek wątpliwości co dostosowania ziół, powinieneś na początku zasięgnąć porady medycznej.