Hi, and welcome to the Handbag Diva! I sell new and gently used designer bags. Some are vintage, all are authentic - I DO NOT sell knock offs ! My listing today is for a stunning vintage EDWARDS BAG LTD. evening bag. This bag is in lovely vintage condition . The top clasp part is made of heavy gold tone metal, which has different color stones embedded in the top gold. The bag itself is what feels like a soft felt or possibly worsted wool. The bag is lined w a thick black satin.The amazing thing about this bag is that there is a small change purse that comes inside the bag-which is attached by a small gold chain . Amazingly the chain is still attached ! Given the fact this is quite delicate it's very hard to find these that still have the change purse still attached . The one flaw I see on this bag is that on one side of the top clasp ( the gold part) there is a small "rust" spot ( for lack of a better term). Other than that small mark-which I have photographed , the bag is in wonderful vintage condition! Please feel free to ask any questions, as I do not accept returns. I try to list every feature I see, if I have missed anything -please excuse my error. If you need additional pics- just let me know. Lighting is always tricky , as I'm not a professional photographer. If pics are not as clear as they should be -let me know. Thank you so much for looking, and please check out my other items .

Bag height-8"

Length -8.25"


Strap drop-6"