Author: Pankow, David (Editor).
Publication: New York: American Printing History Association, 1998.

  • 8vo.
  • cloth
  • 176, (4) pages followed by 38 plates.

This book is a fascinating survey of typefaces developed in America after 1892 and intended for composition in metal for the use of an individual or press. It includes essays by the following: Susan Otis Thompson on American Arts & Crafts typefaces, Martin Hutner on the Merrymount Press, Herbert Johnson on Bruce Rogers's Centaur type, Cathleen Baker on Dard Hunter's typefaces, Mark Argetsinger on Frederic Warde, Stanley Morison, and the Arrighi type, Jerry Kelly on Joseph Blumenthal's Spiral (Emerson) type, Dwight Anger on Frederic Goudy's Kaatskill type, W. Gay Reading on Victor Hammer's Uncial Types, John Kristensen on experimental types of W.A. Dwiggins, and Paul Hayden Duensing on contemporary private types. Limited to 600 regular edition copies set in Monotype Centaur and Bembo with text printed letterpress and the illustrations printed by offset lithography at The Stinehour Press. Designed by Jerry Kelly. Includes 66 illustrations at the end of the book.

Seller ID: 97457

Subject: Typography

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