Rubber Stopper Bands For Collapsible Leica Lenses x2 - New!


Rubber Stopper Bands For Collapsible Leica Lenses x2 - New!




  I'll be short and sweet about this one, these are the bans I use as stoppers on my collapsible vintage Leica lenses, to eliminate the risk of collapsing them back onto the sensor of my M240.

They are simplicity itself to use, simply stretch one over the front portion and if the lens retracts, there is a thick band to stop it.  They are a little loose on the lens, so are just as easy to remove.

As you can see, they work with both the traditional collapsible Elmar as well as the longer 90mm M Collapsible equally well.  They are not foolproof, and if the lens is forced, it will enter the camera, but they guard against accidental damage very well.



So there you have it, A rare opportunity to acquire a very useful accessory at a bargain price, there are two stopper bands in each lot, grab it now while you can!

Hopefully, the description and photos will answer any questions you may have, but please feel free to drop me an email if anything needs clarifying further, feel free to ask!








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