Ausgabe in Englisch

The Bradt travel guide


by Philip Briggs, Janice Booth  

Bradt Publications, UK

4th Edition 2009

278 Seiten, zahlreiche Abbildungen und Karten, Hintergrundinformationen zur Geschichte, Reiseinfos 

A practical guide with insight into the people of Rwanda, their history, culture and aspirations, this guide covers all three of Rwanda's Parks, including a visit to the amazing mountain gorillas in the Volcanoes National Park. Nyungwe Forest, the largest single tract of mountain forest remaining in east or central Africa, is home to many other primates as well as orchids, reptiles and birds; while Akagera Park offers a range of savannah wildlife including giraffe, buffalo, zebra and antelope. Hippos, huge crocs and water-birds populate its lakes. The guide also visits the most scenic of Rwanda's other lakes, including Kivu with its many islands. Nor are Rwanda's history and culture forgotten, with displays of traditional dance and handicrafts, and visits to historic sites. Rwanda in 2004 is safe, stunningly beautiful and among the most welcoming of countries.

weiter Infos siehe Bildgalerie - Inhaltsverzeichnis - Tipps 

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