ypically, the walnut leaves (not the nuts themselves) are dried and chopped before boiling them to make a very strong tea (decoction). Once cooled, the tea is used in compresses, rinses, and other formulations that can be applied to the skin. It can also be added to bath water.

To make a decoction (boiled tea), use 1.5 ounces of dried, cut-up leaf per 1 cup (8 ounces) of water; bring the mixture to a boil in a small pot and simmer gently for about 15 minutes. Allow to cool before using it in compresses and other topical formulations, or in soaks.


Walnut leaf has been safely used through the centuries as a home remedy for skin conditions. Given its astringency, however, be sure to apply walnut leaf preparations so that the affected area still gets enough air circulation. For the same reason, avoid covering large parts of the body simultaneously with walnut leaf compresses.
