
Title is: The Sea Floor: An Introduction to Marine Geology 

Author is: Seibold, E., Berger, W.H.   

Publisher: Springer 1982  

Copyright: 1982

ISBN-10:  3540112561

ISBN-13 : 9783540112563

Book is written in English 

Shipped:             From Canada

Weight:               565 gr.    

Nbr. pages:         288 pages

Dimension:         24 x 1.5 x 16.5 cm :

Keywords:          Geology, climat history, sediments, plate tectonics, deep sea 

Specification:     Not a reprint. Fully illustrated 206 figures


Table of content: Look scan


Book condition: Like New. Book have no missing pages. Interior is clean and tight. No highlighting or handwriting. No internal markings. Binding in perfect condition. A tight & solid copie. Book condition rating 4.8/5



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Synopsis: Man's understanding of how this planet is put together and how it evolved has changed radically during the last 30 years. This great revolution in geology - now usually subsumed under the concept of Plate Tectonics - brought the realization that convection within the Earth is responsible for the origin of today's ocean basins and continents, and that the grand features of the Earth's surface are the product of ongoing large-scale horizontal motions. Some of these notions were put forward earlier in this century, but most of the new ideas were an outgrowth of the study of the ocean floor after World War II. The Sea Floor deals with the most important results achieved in Marine Geology over the last three decades. Relevant geophysical, geochemical, sedimentological and paleontological methods are shortly described. They should allow the reader to comment on new results about plate tectonics, marine sedimentation from the coasts to the deep sea, climatological aspects, paleoceanology and the use of the sea floor. The text tries to transmit to the reader the excitement of marine geological research both aboard and in modern laboratories. Basic mineralogical, geochemical, biological and other relevant data and a detailed list of books and symposia are given in an Appendix. The third corrected and revised edition contains an enlarged and updated list of references and some new figures.