Peaky Blinders Penny collar / Round collar / Club collar shirt

Made on Order
Sooner delivery could be arranged on request in most case

#100% Cotton - Cream checks
Soft and Comfortable cotton fabric

Long sleeves shirts with single cuffs or French double cuffs
(Cufflinks can be used in single cuffs too)

# Savile Row  / British style collar
# High quality make - Hand cut & stitched individually

# Dress shirt / Business, Work Wear, Formal shirt

* The shirts are made on order, thus we take this long to ship.

*Sooner delivery can usually be arranged, please check with us before ordering. 

*The shirts are made in our family run workshop. Every garment is individually hand cut & sewed by aged artisans.

*We assure a perfect and comfortable fit (pl refer size chart while ordering)

* Accessories shown in the picture like Tie, Cuff links etc are not part of the order.

*A FREE pair of personalized stainless steel collar stiffeners are gifted to repeat customers.

For our other items, please visit our store