

Super octopus (Super RM) was first launched in 2002 by the United States SWL Laboratory, formerly known as the Rock Mite "has been popular in the United States, on behalf of the straight and place the receiver! It sold up to 6,000 units. 2, 3 years ago into the domestic, localized transformation by domestic enthusiasts, named "Super octopus, and twice published in the Radio magazine, much domestic HAM favorite.

Kiki studio on the old board on the basis of the octopus, STC12C4052 as the main chip, adding a host computer auxiliary functions, flexible entry codes automatically keying side tonal flexibility to adjust the speed of the hair code package by the restaurant development, combined with the actual usage Fixed several key issues, after several debugging before the formation of the current version.

Key Indicators

Power supply: 12V battery or linear regulated power supply (recommended)

Antenna: 50 ohm, unbalanced

Transmit power: 6W (9V power supply), 8W (12V power supply)

Frequency: transmitter local oscillator frequency: 7023 kHz; receive local oscillator frequency: about 7023-7026 KHz

Operating mode: CW



Because this machine is the direct conversion transceiver, anti-interference, selectivity can not be compared and the super heterodyne receiver, it is necessary to use not worse than the length of a half-wave dipole antenna, General Conditions communication distance about 500 km security, greater distance depends on the propagation environment and the operating skills of the operator.


Circuit board can be placed directly into the size of 83mm * 33mm * 110mm standard aluminum chassis, standard aluminum chassis Buy or make your own.

Configuration software

Through the RS232 serial port and a PC connected to the online configuration codes speed of sound frequency, maximum working hours, serial tips to keep time.

Automatic transmission code, and use the keyboard instead of key input.

Key Functions

K5: automatic transmission storage number

K4: to improve the side tone frequency

K3: reduce the side tone frequency

2: increase the transmission speed

K1: reduce the rate of fire


Package:   1x Asssemble board with case

