Great Books of the Western World 1971 Sold Separately Former Library Very Good  Replacement Volumes

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USED Good to Very GOOD Former Library Book Hardcovers.

It has normal library

markings including card holder/reference sticker and library call number on

spine.  Some cover scuff/indents on cover

with some bumped corner and folded or wrinkled pages. It has school and/or

library name blacked out with marker or white blackout sticker on page edges,

cover and inside.

* Note that some books are in Acceptable condition due to cardboard showing on edges from shelf and or binding edges frayed and might be reinforced with Professional Library tape.  Books are noted as " Acceptable".  Otherwise all books are in Very Good condition.

Publisher is Encyclopaedia Britannica, William Benton 

ISBN for Set is 0852291639

This listing is for individual volumes only not the set. Details of individual books listed below.  Although they are described below individual volumes might have been sold and will not show up in the listing button above.

Volume 1 - The Great Conversation - The Substance of a Liberal Education

Volume 2 - A Syntopicon I - Angel to Love

Volume 3 - A syntopicon II - Man to World

Volume 5 - The Plays of Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripedes, Aristophanes

Volume 6 - Herodotus - The History of Herodotus

                   Thucydides - The History fo the Peloponnesian War

Volume 7 - Pluto - The Seventh Letter

Volume 8 - Aristotle I - The Works of Aristotle I

Volume 9 - Aristotle II - The Works of Aristotle II

Volume 10 - Hippocrates - Hippocratic Writings

                     Galen - The Natural Faculties

Volume 11 - Euclid - The Thirteen Books of Euclid's Elements

                     Archimedes- The Works of Archimedes including the Method

                     Apollonius of Perga - Conics

                     Nicomachus of Gerasa - Introduction to Arithmetic

Volume 13 - Virgil - The Poems of Virgil

Volume 14- Plutarch - The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans

Volume 15 - Tacitus - The Annals and The Histories

Volume 16 - Ptolemy - The Amagest

                     Copernicus - On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres

                     Kepler - Epitome of Copernican Astronomy: IV and V. The Harmonies of the World

Volume 17 - Plotinus - The Six Enneads

Volume 18 - Augustine - The Confessions The City of God on Christian Doctrine

Volume 19 - Thomas Aquinas I - The Summa Theologica of Saint Thomas Aquinas Volume 1

Volume 20 - Thomas Aquinas II - The Summa Theologica of Saint Thomas Aquinas Volume 2

Volume 23 - Hobbes -Leviathan

                      Machiavelli - The Prince

Volume 24 - Francois Rabelais - Gargantua and Pantagruel

Volume 25 - Montaingne - The Essays of Michel Eyquem de Motaigne

Volume 26 - Shakespeare I - (Acceptable condition as cardboard showing on edges)

Volume 27 - Shakespeare II - (Acceptable condition as cardboard showing on edges)

Volume 28 - Gilbert- On the Loadstone and Magnetic Bodies

                     Galileo - Concerning the Two New Science

                     Harvey - On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals. On the Circulation of the Blood.  On the        Generation of Animals.

Volume 29 - Cervantes - The History of Don Quixote de la Mancha

Volume 30 - Francis Bacon - Advancement of Learning, Novum Organum, New Atlantis

Volume 33 - Pascal - The Provincial Letters, Pensees and Scientific Treatises

Volume 37 - Fielding - The History of Tom Jones   A Foundling

Volume 39 - Adam Smith - An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations

Volume 45 - Lavoisier- Elements of Chemistry

                     Fourier - Analytical Theory of Heat

                     Farady - Experimental Researches in Electricity

Volume 47 - Goethe - Faust   Parts One and Two

Volume 48 - Moby Dick; or, The Whale

Volume 50 - Karl Marx Capital - Manifesto of the Communist Party  (Acceptable)

Volume 51 - Tolstoy - War and Peace  (acceptable)

Volume 53 - William James - The Principles of Psychology

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