Potkal jsem ho v ZOO
A mischievous Czech youngster sneaks off to the Lesna zoo for a day of fun. He soon bumps into a blind boy his own age whom he leads on a whirlwind tour of the premises, opening cages to allow his friend to pet everything from tiger cubs to rhinoceroses, always one step ahead of pursuing attendants.

Product Details
Packaging Paper sleeve
Length 66 min.
Production Year 1994
Audio Czech
Subtitles Czech
Format DVD (PAL)
Region 2

Director Drahomira Renakova-Kralova
Cast  Frantisek Kocian, Frantisek Marek, Kamil Pulec, Kostas Zerdaloglu, Lubomir Chudicek, Lucie Cechova, Lukas Janota

Note for US costumers: It might not play on some US DVD players, Multi-Region and Multisystem PAL/NTSC DVD player is required, Please check your DVD player