Herbal Power: Stimulates the liver and supports healthy digestion. 

Taste: Pleasantly roasted with bitter notes. 

Plant Story: Some think of dandelion as a common weed, but our herbalists know that its bitter taste stimulates digestion and supports your body’s natural detoxification process. It’s the perfect tea for everyday wellness! Dandelion tea is rich in health benefits and is used for a variety of purposes including but not limited to: 

- reduces water weight 

- promote liver health 

- can act as a natural coffee substitute 

- soothe digestive ailments 

- prevent Urinary Tract Infections 

相信对于蒲公英很多人都是不陌生的,它属于一种草本植物,其中含有大量对于身体有益的健康营养物质,不仅可以作为日常的食物服用,同时药用价值也非常的不错。 蒲公英中含有的营养价值的高,其中包括蒲公英素、蒲公英醇、胆碱以及有机酸和菊糖,除此之外还含有大量的碳水化合物、蛋白质以及微量元素和维生素,这些在进入身体之后都能够很好的促进身体健康。具体的蒲公英泡水喝的功效如下: 

- 清热解毒 

- 美容养颜 

- 消痛散结 

- 防止主流 

- 抗菌