CLASSIC & SPORTSCAR Magazine, May 1991 issue, 234 pages, main features include :-


MGA  - Comprehensive buying article , what to look for, model development/history, etc,- 10 pages


JAGUAR MK10 v BENTLEY S3 - 6 page article comparing these 2 luxury sixties cars, which is best?


PORSCHE 911 TURBO - 6 page article comparing the first TURBO 911 with a recent 3.3 litre car


TRIDENT CLIPPER V8  - 4 page article looking at this car of mixed heritage but with performance andappearance to please


OPEL MONZA - 3 page article looking at this car, now a bargain this seventies car is better than you may think



Other features include article on driving Edwardian and veteran cars through the new forest, article on PAUL BRACQ, article on a model car collector, plus all other usual features.