
beschreibung der ware

Explore the Tarot through the beauty of nature as seen in images drawn within the silhouettes of the Maple, Apple, Oak, and Birch leaves.Utilizing color to convey the meanings on 78 artistic Tarot cards, each card is represented by a leaf in which innovative images and symbols are hidden. Colorful and intricate, the leaf image overlaps the imagery message and vice versa. The magician phrase, “Now you see it; now you don’t,” surely applies as, with each reading, some images are noticed and seem to “pop” from the leaf, while other symbols are overlooked to be seen at another time. Enjoy the simple beauty of nature as you explore the roots of Tarot.

  • Ingesamt: 78 Spielkarten, 96 pp.
  • Format der Spielkarten: 7.94 x 13.33 cm (3 1/8″ x 5 1/4″). Gewicht der Karten: 368 g. (0.81 lb).
  • Das Papier der Spielkarten wird kunststoffbeschichtet. 
  • Neu, verpackt. Hergestellt in den China.
  • 100% authentisches, originelles Produkt von Schiffer Publishing Ltd.

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Monte and Amy are popular Tarot experts and legendary lovebirds, and now they have focused the ancient power of Tarot on the art of love. 


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