Sling Stone From The Elah Valley Stream.

With These Stones Biblical David Defeated Goliath - Elah Valley - Israel - Holy Land.

Sand Samples from Tel Azekah + Khirbet Qeyafa + Tel Socho:

Where did David kill Goliath?

The Bible gives numerous landmarks in (1 Samuel 17) to locate the battlefield.

It was “between Socoh and Azekah” (v. 1).

The armies were camped on mountains “with a valley between them” (3).

David stopped at “the brook” to gather sling stones on his way to face Goliath (40).

These details and others place the battle in front of Khirbet Qeiyafa.

What was the name of the brook from which David took five stones? (1 Samuel 17:40)

The famous battle in which David killed Goliath took place in the Valley of Elah (1 Samuel 17:4)

Elah means terebinth, a tree commonly found in the area.

The brook which runs through the valley is the Brook of Elah.

It is a seasonal creek that runs dry for much of the year.

The brook referred to in verse 40 runs along the valley at the foot of Khirbet Qeiyafa and the surrounding hills.

The brooks is dry during the summer months.

There are still stones in the riverbed that have been smoothed by the brook’s water.

Where did David get his sling stones? Right here…