Sand Anthill Wall Kit BIG (Ant Farm)

The Anthouse Wall Kit BIG is formed by an acrylic sandwich and a foraging box made of the same material. Both items have two hooks to be hung on the wall and be watched as a picture. The sandwich is connected to the foraging box via a flexible tube. The foraging area is used to put the food and as a dump for the ants.

True anthill, valid for the raise of ants, with queen. It's an original and decorative ants nest that you can hang on the wall.
Natural and Ecological Sand Anthill, Observe how they live and make their tunnels.All what is needed to start at the world of ants; you won’t need anything else.

The AntHouse Wall kit nest contains:

- 1x Acrylic sandwich 25x20x1 cm.

-1x 20x10x10cm Acrylic foraging box with lid.

- 1x 750g Mixed sand/clay for the Sandwich.

- 1x 50g Stone granules as decoration for the foraging box.

- 1x Plastic pipette.

- 1x Water trough.

 - 1x Trough.

 - 1x 10ml Protein syrup (food).

 - 1x 50g Sand for decoration. Colour subject to availability.