Account Moved! This is my new account:

New listing here:

Want to invite any of the 8 new villagers introduced in Animal Crossing: New Horizons to live on your island, which unfortunately don’t have their own amiibos yet? I can get any of them to be in boxes, ready for you to invite to your island!

If you want any other villager besides the 8, I can get them in boxes for you, too. Just let me know which villager you want.

You may get 400 NMTs or 40 stacks of 30 Gold Nuggets for free with every purchase! You may freely mix and match if you like.

You may also get any free villager or your choice if you purchase a Raymond plushie from here:

Please message me or leave a comment mentioning the villager that you would like to have after purchase.

‼️ VERY IMPORTANT!!!!! Make sure you have an empty housing plot for the villager!!!! Also, do not invite the villager twice.‼️

You can also message me beforehand to check if I’m available before making the purchase.

Update: My account is currently experiencing a glitch where I am not able to enable any online methods of payment:
I have been trying to rush eBay to get this fixed ASAP but they have yet to resolved it. If you are comfortable, you could PM me and I can send you my PayPal link for payment instead.