!!!Please do NOT buy this listing before making a contact!!!

This listing is for demonstration reasons.

Use the " Contact seller" button to make an order
and ask for availability of figures you want to order
and my painting time schedule!

How do I work:
> You make a contact for the figures you want to be painted.
>>I will inform you about availability, time of painting and price.
(The listing's price is for one figure ,but discounts may be applied
depending of the number of painted figures.)
>>> After we have a deal I paint the figures and send you many
detailed pictures so that you can see the result.
>>>> If you like the outcome then you can purchase
the number of figures you have ordered.

All the orders will be sold through EBAY only .

I will ship worldwide
1-7 figures 14p recorded shipping.
For 8 or more figures the postage
will be Free and Recorded!

           Any purchase will be send in a box. NOT in a Jiffy bag!!           
It will be packed carefully in order to arrive safe to you!
Please check out my feedback to see that all of my
shippings have reach their target safe!

About me:   I'm painting and collecting figures for many years.           
Be sure that your minis
will be painted as It would be for my display!

Feel free to contact for any request or question!

Feel free to ask for more detailed pictures.
You can Check out my other items!

Thank you!!