Ordnance – Systems for National Defense * 11-12/1966 * Rarität


Militär-, Luft- & Raumfahrt-Zeitschrift


Systems for National Defense

American Ordnance Association


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Systems for National Defense


incl. Umschlagseiten

On guard in the Saigon River
(Point-Class-Cutter / USCGC Point Hudson [WPB-82322] )


Inhalt (auszugsweise):
* Air Armament
* Underwater Ordnance
* Material Progress
* Ready in Peace and War – The Coast Guard has served the Nation with distinction since 1790
* Defence Highlights: Review and Opinion
* Naval Action – Vietnam (Vice Amiral John B. Colwell, U.S.N.)
* Dimensions of Deterrence
* Missiles vs. Armor
* Gas and a Just War
* Logistic Problems Today
* Weapons Technology
> Now – Numerical Control
> Gaging Breech Pressure
> Ceramics for Defense
> A Molecular Receiver
* News from the Front
* Association Affairs
* Modern Antitank Weapons
* New Developments
* CBN Defense
* Missiles and Astronautics
* Nuclear Energy


Bildmaterial (auszugsweise):
* Klingert Diving Apparatus from 1788
* Roberto Valturio Submarine from 1460
* John Smeaton Diving Bell from from 1846
* Dr Antoine Prosper Payerne Submarine “The Belledone” from 1846
* General Sheridan M551
* Army Rough Terrain Fork Lift Truck
* Ford LKW M-656
* Vickers Mobile Assault Bridge Ferry
* Vickers M-60 Tank
* Vickers M123A1 Auxiliary Propelled Howitzer
* Vickers M 578 Recovery Vehicle
* Vickers T-118 Combat Engineer Vehicle
* Vickers LARC 60 Amphibious Vehicle
* Vickers M60-AVL Scissors Bridge
* Vickers M-114 Reconnaissance Carrier
* Admiral Willard J. Smith – Commandant, U. S. Coast Guard
* First Nuclear-Powered Ship to Fight – U.S.S. Enterprise
* Medium Anti-Tank-Weapon MAW
* BGM-71 TOW (Tube-launched, Optically tracked, Wire-guided)
* M72 Light Antitank Weapon
*  Ford MGM-51 Shillelagh (she-LAY-lee) anti-tank guided missile
* French Gas-Attack to German trenches (WWI)
* Modern Protective Masks and Clothing (against gas attacks)
* Clad in Impermeable clothing
* M60A1E1 Tank
* Bell UH-1B Iroquois
* Cadillac Gage Stoner 63
* Kaiser Jeep
M35 Series 2½-ton 6x6 Truck
* Kaiser Jeep M39 Series 5-ton 6x6 Truck
* DAF Pony 4x4 ½-ton
* Boeing-Vertol Chinook


American Ordnance Association

Zustand (siehe Fotos / Scans):
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Umschlag berieben, leichte Knicke,
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Auflösung der Luftfahrt-Sammlung meines Vaters.
Dissolution of my father's aviation collection.
Dissolution de la collection d´aviation de mon père.


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Synonyme: Luftfahrt, Flugzeuge, Helikopter, Hubschrauber, Segelflieger, Motorsegler, Jet, Raumfahrt, Raumflieger, Satelliten, Astronauten, Kosmonauten, Taikonauten, Spationauten, Vyomanauten, Angkasawan, Flugkörper, Rakete, Flugmotor, Triebwerk, Luftverkehr, Luftsport, Luftwaffe, Luftfahrtschau, Verkehrsflugzeuge, Kunstflug, Überschallflugzeug, Turbo, Flugzeugbau, Piloten, Flugkapitän, Kampfflugzeuge

Synonyms: Aviation, airplanes, helicopters, helicopters, glider pilots, motor gliders, jet, space travel, space flyers, satellites, astronauts, cosmonauts, taikonauts, spyauts, vyomanauts, Angkasawan, missiles, rocket, aircraft engine, engine, air traffic, air sports, air force, air show, Commercial aircraft, aerobatics, supersonic aircraft, turbo, aircraft construction, pilots, flight captain, fighter aircraft

Synonymes: Aviation, avions, hélicoptères, hélicoptères, pilotes de planeur, planeurs à moteur, jet, voyage dans l'espace, flyers spatiaux, satellites, astronautes, cosmonautes, taikonautes, espions, vyomanauts, Angkasawan, missiles, fusée, moteur d'aéronef, moteur, trafic aérien, sports aériens, force aérienne, spectacle aérien, Avions commerciaux, acrobaties aériennes, avions supersoniques, turbo, construction d'aéronefs, pilotes, commandant de bord, avions de chasse
