choose from the various options:

with or without box
together or separetely.

The boxes are sealed, comes with original rules.
German box with Germna rules
English Box with English rues

If you buy them without box and rules 


new editon (2nd edit)

Brand new, original Carcassonne Expansion

2 peaces City of Carcassonne (double sided panel)
1 count figure



Also rules you can find below:

2 large City tiles (2x3 tiles, each with different sides). When placed together, they form the city of Carcassonne.
1 Wooden Count

The city of Carcassonne and the count of Carcassonne


Place the two City tiles together in the center of the play area. One side shows the city with flags, the other without. 
If you want to use the city as a starting tile with no effects, use the side without flags.

The flags are used to identify the city districts:

The castle
The market
The blacksmith
The cathedral
Place the Count of Carcassonne on the castle.

1. Placing a tile

If you place a tile next to the large City tiles, your tile's edge must match the City tile's edge, and it must be aligned with the white grid of the City tiles.

2. Placing a meeple in the City of Carcassonne

Each time you perform a scoring in phase 3. Scoring a feature, if at least one of your opponents gains points and you gain none, you may place a meeple in one of the four city districts (even if the Count is in that district). 
Then, you may move the Count to a district of your choice within the city of Carcassonne.

Even if you complete more than one feature at the same time, you may not receive any points for any of them, so you can use this option. You may place a maximum of one meeple in the city of Carcassonne per turn. 

You can only place your Abbot in the cathedral in Carcassonne.

3. Scoring a feature - Moving meeples from Carcassonne

When a feature (city, road, monastery, or shrine) is completed, before it is scored, all players may remove their meeples from the matching district and place them in the feature that is about to be scored, even if doing so would exceed the maximum of 1 meeple per feature

The districts and where meeples in them are placed:

From the castle to a city.
From the blacksmith to a road.
From the cathedral to a monastery or shrine.
From the market to a field.

You cannot remove meeples from a district with the Count in it. Even if a completed feature would allow them to be removed, the meeples in that district must stay there until the count is moved out. The Count is always in exactly one district and never leaves the city of Carcassonne.

When you complete a feature, the player to your left can remove as many of his or her meeples as he or she would like from the matching district and place them on the feature that was just completed. Going clockwise and ending with you, each player repeats this process. The feature is then scored as normal,  and all players return any of their meeples on that feature to their supply.

Question: Until now it was impossible to deploy a second monk to a monastery...

Answer: That is exactly the point. There was no rule that said only one monk could occupy a monastery. It was simply not possible because of the rules for placing tiles. This is the first opportunity for stealing a monastery away from a player. And deploying the large meeple to a monastery may now be worthwhile as well.

Meeples that were not removed stay in their district. Meeples placed in a district remain there until removed and placed on a matching feature.

When you place the last tile (ending the game), the player to your left must remove one of his or her meeples from the market to one of the fields. 
This process continues in turn order until all meeples in the market have been removed and placed in a field. If the count is in the market when the last tile is placed, no meeples are removed.
During final scoring, any meeples left in the other districts do nothing. The city of Carcassonne counts as a city worth 3 points in its field.



This listing if for the King and Robber part, as you see on the picture.

5 land tiles
1 king tile
1 robber tile
2 king token
2 robber token

brand new
Original  Carcassonne from Hans im Gluck



You also find RULES BELOW:

King and robber

Place the King and Robber tiles and their matching markers as a general supply within easy reach of all players.

3. Scoring a feature

The King

As soon as you complete the first city (except the city of Carcassonne, if you are playing with those tiles), place the King marker on that city and place the King tile in front of you. It does not matter if you scored points for that city, only that you completed it. If a player completes a bigger city (i.e., one with more tiles ), that player takes the King tile and moves the token to the bigger city. The marker must always be placed on the biggest city (except the city of Carcassonne). If you have the King tile during final scoring, you gain 1 point per completed city (including the city of Carcassonne, if you are playing with those tiles).

The Robber

The Robber tile works just like the King tile, but for roads instead of cities. If you have the Robber tile during final scoring, you gain 1 point per completed road.

+ House Rules

At game end, use a lot of dice, place them on the board as completed features are found. Then collect them in, counting as you go. (Thanks to viberunner)
Place unused pieces (or other objects) on the scoreboard to represent the size of the biggest city and the longest road. (Thanks to RationalLemming)
Place the King and Robber markers on the scoreboard to represent the size of the biggest city and the longest road. (Thanks to Meepledrone)
The player holding the King or Robber tile at the end of the game receives a straight 10 points for each card. This matches the points awarded for trade goods, and avoids having to count the number of completed roads and cities. (Thanks to Joff)
The player holding the King or Robber tile at the end of the game receives a straight 15 points for each card, or 40 points if both cards are held by one player. (Thanks to PreGy)
The player who completes the first road receives the Robber tile and keeps it until another player completes a larger road. Until that time, the player receives 1 bonus point every time a road is completed. The same applies for the King tile and cities. (Thanks to dustyu)



This part is THE CULT

5 new  tiles with shrines

brand new, original Carcassonne
publisher Hans Im Gluck



Also find the rules below:

The cultists


Shuffle the five Shrine tiles with the other Land tiles.

1. Placing a tile

Shrine tiles cannot be placed adjacent to more than one monastery, 
and monasteries cannot be placed adjacent to more than one shrine. 
Shrine tiles are otherwise placed normally.

2. Placing a meeple as a heretic

When you place a shrine, you can place your meeple normally, 
or you can place a meeple as a heretic on the shrine. 
If you place a heretic adjacent to a monk, both meeples challenge each other 
(challenges are described below in 3. Scoring a feature). 
It is possible for two of your own meeples to challenge each other.
Otherwise, the shrine behaves like a monastery. You can place your abbot on the Shrine.

3. Scoring a feature

A shrine is scored when it is surrounded by other tiles. A completed shrine is worth 9 points. 
In case of a challenge, the first completed feature is worth 9 points. 
The other feature, when it is completed, is worth 0 points. 
If both features are completed at the same time, both are worth 9 points. In all cases,
 both the monk and the heretic are returned to their respective supplies. 
Meeples in the cathedral may be removed and placed on a shrine when it is completed.

Say I have a heretic engaged in a challenge with another player's monk, and I place the tile which completes the monk's monastery, so that the monk scores 9 points and I score 0. Can I still move a meeple to the city of Carcassonne in this case?

Yes, triggered scoring, received no points: conditions fulfilled.

Final Scoring

At the end of the game, any unresolved challenges (i.e., incomplete monasteries and shrines) are ignored. All players involved score points for their incomplete monasteries and shrines as normal.



12 land tiles to start the game.

brand new, original Carcassonne land tiles
Hans Im Gluck product.



Also find the rules here below:

The River II replace the start tile. Select the river expansion you want and discard the other. Set aside the source and lake tiles. Shuffle the remaining river tiles and stack them facedown. Add the lake tile to the bottom of the stack, and place the source tile faceup as the starting tile.

Combining The River and The River II
You can combine The River with The River II from base game to make a very long river. Keep only one source and one lake.

Do not use both The River II and The Count of Carcassonne. Combining the two can lead to situations where the river cannot be completed.

Playing the game

1. Placing a tile

You must draw tiles from the River stack before drawing normal tiles. Place your river tile at the end of the river. As always, tiles must be placed so that their edges match the edges of tiles already in play. You cannot make a river turn twice in a row in the same direction (a U-turn), as this risks that the following tile will be impossible to place. Players must draw and place all river tiles before they can draw normal tiles.

When playing with The River II, you may have up to two river branches to choose from when creating the river. You cannot connect both river branches together.

Question: With the U-turn rule when making rivers, does that mean no U-turn ever, or just no immediate U-turns because it will complicate the placement of subsequent river tiles?

Answer: Only immediate U-turns are explicitly forbidden. Naturally, there can also be problems if a straight river tile lies between. Turning river the same way three times should also be considered prohibited.

2. Placing a meeple

Like any other tile, you may place a meeple on other features of a river tile you just placed. Meeples cannot be placed on the river itself.

When playing with The River II, if you place the last river tile (the lake with the volcano), you cannot place a meeple on that tile. Immediately after placing it, take another turn by drawing a normal tile.

3. Scoring

The river feature itself cannot be scored. All other features on river tiles are scored as usual.

The River II special features

The inn and the volcano on the river follow the rules from their expansions (Inns and Cathedrals and The Princess and the Dragon, respectively). 
The pig-herd has the same effect as a pig in a field (from Traders and Builders). 
If you are playing without these expansions, simply ignore these features.

Other expansions

For the River II there are some clarifications when using it with other expansions:

Exp. 1 - Inns and Cathedrals: One of the river tiles contains an inn that affects a road.
Exp. 2 - Traders and Builders: The pig-herd increases the value of its field by 1 point per completed city. This bonus is in addition to the points given by the pig.
Exp. 3 - The Princess and the Dragon: Immediately after placing the lake with volcano, place the dragon on it.
Exp. 5 - Abbey and the Mayor: The pig-herd only affects field scoring for farmers during the game (due to the barn) and after the game. Barns do not score additional points from the pig-herd after the game.

+ House rules for The River

You are not permitted to lay down any meeples until the entire river is down. (Thanks to metoth)
Once the river is complete, it may be moved to the center of the playing area. (Thanks to Joff)
Instead of starting with the spring and setting aside the lake, put all of the river pieces into the bag. In this way the river can be any size and there is usually more then one option for placing a river tile. (Thanks to DavidP)
Mix the original starting tile (without a river) in with the river tiles. If it is drawn then it acts like a 'bonus' tile that can be placed anywhere. (Thanks to RationalLemming)
Lay the river in reverse order, from lake to spring. No real advantage, but might be more desirable, when playing the Count of Carcassonne expansion, to have the lake near the City of Carcassonne for purely aesthetic reasons. (Thanks to Scott)
House rules for The River II
Play the fork of the river first, and lay the spring last. The lakes are mixed in with the other river tiles. (Thanks to Joff)
Pig-herd tiles do not score a bonus. (Thanks to Joff)
Play both rivers backwards starting with the city/lake. This is more realistic because you then get two springs producing rivers that join and flow ‘down’ to a lake. Discard two lakes—the plain one from River I and the volcano. To set up, place the lake tile, put one spring tile aside as a final ending tile, and then split the balance of the river tiles into two stacks. The junction tile is shuffled into stack 1 and the other spring into stack 2. Then the stack 1 is placed on stack 2—so that the junction will be drawn sometime before the spring. If playing with the Count of Carcassonne, place the city/lake so that it completes one of the small cities around Carcassonne. (Thanks to dwhitworth)
Select only one lake tile and use two spring tiles. Lay the river in reverse order. The fork can be placed randomly, or at some predetermined point. The end result is two rivers flowing into one which then flows into a lake. (Thanks to Scott)
Start from the fork, playing tiles on all three branches. Play the spring and lake tiles at the end, or mix two of the three with the rest of the river before play to have two of the three branches end randomly. (Thanks to Scott)
