Clear Mylar Replacement Set for Funhouse

22 pcs. of precutted Mylar.

Other sets available (see pictures) Ask me for price and combi shipping.

Available Sets for:

Attack from Mars

Addams Family

Black Rose

Bride of Pinbot - The Machine -

Cactus Canyon

Cirqus Voltaire (Set A, B)



Creature from the black Lagoon



Fishtales additional

Indiana Jones (Williams)

Judge Dredd

Lord of the Rings

Medieval Madness

Monster Bash

Revenge from Mars

Scared Stiff (Set A, B)

Star Trek the next Generation STTNG (Set A, B)

Tales of the Arabian Nights


Terminator 2 - Judgement Day

Theatre Of Magic

The Shadow

Twilight Zone


White Water (Set A, B)

Universal Mylar Set (big)

Install instruction:

The installation is quiet easy. As mentioned the pieces are precutted. First it is useful to remove the unneeded mylar (area between the precutted pieces). After this you have to cut around the piece of your choice fully (incl. the protective foil) Then you should peel this foil a BIT!!! from the mylar. Avoid to touch the adhesive with your fingers. Now you can put the piece on the playfield. The small unprotected zone of mylar  (now without the protective foil) will help you to adjust the whole piece correctly. If the fit isn't correct, you can just remove it and try it again. After this you peel the rest of the protective foil slowly. Bit by bit you can press now the mylar on the cleaned playfield. So you will avoid air bubbles and the mylar will be in correct place. The light milky look will disappear after a while. The mylar will become crystal clear.