To Buy or Not to Buy, that is the modern question. 

Extra Large for a Watercolour 
Frame outer 28" x 23.5"
Inside card mount ie visible picture size is 22.5" x 14.5"

A superb painting, in my opinion it is sad that more artists often either fail to succeed at, or fail to even attempt larger watercolours.

How to judge a Marine painting?

Well several notable English marine collectors look at treatment of waves as a good 'first look' indicator.
Excessive formality shows lack of understanding and empathy for the somehow messy truth about inshore waves particularly with undertows sand bars currents etc. 

Treatment of cloth sails is extremely important as with say clothing if you collect figure paintings.
The sails flags and pennants cannot contradict your sea and waves and the implied wind. It can also easily indicate a "composition" ie it not being a real situation or even depicting a real boat event or place. A hotch potch patchwork not a depiction with a little licence and style.
Not so here!

You know what I chose!......I chose to buy.
I ONLY buy things I love and which I am prepared to live with indefinitely, should you decide Not to buy. 
I remain content  regardless. 
Its simply my M.O.

Take a really close look art Kernahan's old gaff rigged sail.
The execution is exquisite, impeccable even, faultless.
It is not a well painted sail on its own, the perspective is superlative with a sense of everything being in the right place everything seeming "right". You think that's easy? Hell no, its sickeningly challenging to achieve. The truth, is most paintings are crap, even those by accomplished recognized expensive artists in museums. Maybe a small selection of their peak work is truly of merit to the surgeons eye.

As with any "mastery" it is slowly acquired, carefully distilled by small margins over years.
I am currently reading Crockett ( Surgeon General St Thomas's Hospital London and Marine art collector and recognized expert) on Monamy. When Crocket unleashes his scalpels to dissect a painting, describing his process as he dismembers its faculties, you come away from the page "changed" literally. The chapter I read last night has literally altered how I view and judge marine art. It made me feel a bit of a prat!  And yet......I still wake to find that many of the art work purchases I have made clearly already conform to his ideas, even though I did not have it all written down in a process and protocol to follow regarding the "Great Question"......

"To Buy, or Not to buy! That is the question".

"Close, but no cigar" is surely then "Miss by a millimeter, miss by a mile"
Kernahan defeated my wallet, with engineers micrometers, not plastic protractors and bendy rulers.
I will never tire of looking at this, yet i will miss it if she goes.
Surely it is then a truly fair weather romantic depiction of "plain sailing" at its very best.

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Happy Shopping.....or was it Hippy Shipping.........?